शनिवार, १५ मे, २०१०

Day II of spiritual Interactions

Day : II
Date: 08/04/2010
Venue : Office verandaha of Matru Mandir, Joyrambati. Dist : Hoogly.
Time : 6.30 AM to 7.3 Am.

Today again I took darshan of swamiji since he had told that would I have any more questions I should see him at this time. With graceful face; he greeted me & asked me to ask my question to start with

I said: We know that our mind is not pure. Many impure thoughts do come in mind. What is way to purify the mind?

Maharaj: In kaliyug purity of mind is based on what we eat i.e. aahar. So what you eat makes your mind pure or impure see if you are physically not fit; down by some health problem than you do not feel like chanting lord's name. But if you take proper medicine have healthy diet & recover than you have energy & feel like chanting the name similarly in order to maintain the purity of mind you should take satvik aahar. Now let us see how Aahar becomes impure. There are three broad types by which Aahar becomes impure :

1. Jaati Dosh.
2. Nimmit Dosh
3. Sparsh Dosh .

1. Jatti Dosh: That Impurity which is inherent in the ingredient with which we prepare food Ex: All non-veg items. Onion & garlic. These are termed impure because they facilitate Rajsik & Tamasik characteristics in the person who consumes that food.
Then does it mean that everybody should turn veggie. No; that is also not
Possible because that amount of food grain will not be available than what needs
to be done if at all we are compelled to have non-veg for various reasons like the
Natural area like, Bengal & kerala where as compared to vegetables fish are available Then you can eat that non-veg. But only little quantity as per the necessity of body you should avoid eating more because so you like its taste or as it is tongue tickling.

2. Nimmit Dosh : The impurity imparted to the food because of some specific reason Ex : While cooking if the hair falls in the food being served unknowingly or something else like housefly falls in the food than that food becomes impure. As it is not known same food is served & consumed. Other example of this is eating over cooked food or the food. i.e cooked a day or two before eating.

3. Sparsh Dosh : The impurity imparted due to touch. For explaining this he narrated a small story of a prostitute of Dakshineshwar. The lady who had misbehaved in her young age as she turned old started repenting on her deeds. She wanted to take prayaschit for the same thus she decided to offer some service to Thakurji. But she was aware that because of her deeds & whenever she had tried thakurji won't allow her to perform any service to thakurji But she was told to go away. As she was aware of daily activities & had noticed that mataji carries a plate of food to thakurji daily at specific time. During the time of serving the food all people were daily told to vacate the room & after keeping the plate while turning back mother used to close the door. so that during his lunch time no devotee disturbs him. One day while mataji was carrying the food , The lady who was waiting in the dark with veil on her face so that nobody identifies her called mataji ; Mother please give me that plate let me offer it to Thakur today listening to the lady's humble request mother as ever got carried away & handed over the plate to her. The lady went in the room very briskly kept the plate in front of Thakurji & returned back & shut the door .After some time mother went back to Thakurji room to collect the plate & noticed that it was untouched on asking why he did not touch the food. he replied "why did you allow such a lady to carry the food when you knew about her past ? You know now that food has become impure by her touch & how can I have it now ? "Mother humbly replied: "I Would not commit such mistake again, But for this time you please have the same food. As you are aware it is late in the night & it is not possible for me to cook the complete food once again tonight." On Mother's honest request thakur said, "I will have this food this time but for that you have to promise me one thing. Mother said, "Please let me know what should I promise?" Thakur said that henceforth Plate containing my food will be carried ONLY by you & you will ensure that it is not touched by anybody Else " , Mother said , "OK, I will try to ensure but you know that whenever anybody calls me mother & requests something I am not able to deny that request . " With this statement mother was trying to indicate to Sri Sri Thakurji that this time he has come not only for pure & pious people, But this time he has come for all including wicked & virtuous, all are his children Thakurji well aware of this fact that he has come for all wanted to listen from mother that whenever she is called mother by anybody she will respond readily. As till the time this incidence had taken place Mother had kept herself hidden behind thakurji & had never come out in public. With this incidence Thakurji wanted to convey her that now people will also come to her for spiritual guidance for which she should be ready & come forward. Such was the eternal love of both towards each other.
This was the broad classification of the Dosha's that take place. But in today's life you should mark that our food till it reaches us is being handled by many different agencies like Farmer, Agent, and Shopkeeper etc. at times if you eat outside than the cook & the person who serves it. In the process at every point there are chances that the sparsh dosh gets added & becomes exponentially high. So how do you try to reduce it or eliminate it? I replied, "Maharaj ; what I try to do before eating is I close my yes & offer the food to Sri Sri Thakurji request him to have it & make prasadam of the offered food, So that I can have it. " Maharaj Said : "Yes, This is the correct method , In this method what happens is , When you offer food to thakur, Thakur touches all the food through his eyes & this method is known as Drishti Bhog i.e. the rays from Thakur's eye comes & touches all the food, Nullfies the effect of all doshas & than you can definitely have it. "

Further Maharaj asked do you have any further questions. As his discourses are very good & as mother had previlieged me by arranging these special discourse one as to one only for me I wanted to avail the facility & wanted that I should be able to make most out of it & the discourse should not get over so soon. To continue I asked many a time it so happens in the office or social gathering that we indulge ourselves in chatting or gossiping. what is the way to avoid it & how can we keep ourselves away from it ?

Maharaj Said, " This situation arises in everybody's life so what you need to do iin such situations is that you need to have presence of mind. At such instances you should be able to identify that Tahkurji is trying to test you. i.e. test your strength. he is trying to see how much are you still enjoying voyeurism ,mocking & other such situations? thus you should be able to quit the place or keep yourself busy in work. Other way is that you should be able to identify that you are the child of thakur , so no such minor incidences can perturb your mind & take you away from aim of approaching thakur. Here I recollected the incidence of Swami Bramhanand Maharj, during his time when he was writing Ramkrsihna Leela prasang , he was residing with holy Mother in Yogodyan in a very small room & simultaneously while writing the book he was performing the duty of mothers caretaker, to ensure that devotees do not disturb her more, as she was almost bed ridden. During that time swamiji was residing in a very small room & huge number of devotees used to daily visit, there by causing disturbance to him as well mother. That time in reply to the question that how is he able to concentrate on writing the book inspite of so much of disturbance he had replied, that I have told my ears that they should not listen anything whenever he is writing. Similarly we can also pray to Holy mother, Thakur & request our organs to help.
Further to continue on the subject I asked there is inconsistency in the japam which I perform should we set any target in terms of numbers?
Maharaj: Yes, Indeed you should have the target. As you might be aware that the bare minimum is 108. But once in this context mother, has said that you should atleast chant the name of the lord for 15,000 to 20,000 times. By doing so you are trying to put three to four hours in japam & with that quantity your mind will shortly become pure day by day. Further by setting target you try to have discipline so that if you do not complete your target for the day your mind itself warns you & tells that see you have not completed your exercise for the day. Also for one more reason the quantity recommended by mataji needs to be followed & that is as you yourself know out of the time whatever you devote for Japam how much time it is thinking actually about god & how much time it keeps on wandering.

As the answer to my question on japam was over. Alike yesterday A Bengali devotee approached & since maharaj had given me sufficient time yesterday & today he turned towards that devotee.

As I was about to leave I noticed that as we were speaking a huge black dog had come & sat in the space between me & swamiji. Making it difficult for me to move as I am afraid of the dogs. Thus I told maharaj Oh , this dog is taking rest at your feet in such a fashion that I am not able to go out, I am afraid of his big jaws & while moving if I disturb him there is every chance that he will bite me am afraid. Maharaj said, " why should be afraid ? Yesterday only I explained you that wherever there is aasti, Bhati , priya, naam , roop it is embodiment of god. So is it that what I told you yesterday was for mere listening , no it was for implementation in your everyday life. further he said , do you know this dog is also devotee of holy mother that is why he stays in these premises . Alike you he also loves to listen the stories & glories of Holy mother & thakur & whatever we speak > thus he has come to listen & yesterday also he had come. Do you know this is his last birth In the next birth he will be born as Holy mothers devotee . "

With this he further said , "Ok" now you can go If you have any more querries we will see tomorrow. with this note discourse for the day was over.

_____________ Sri Sri Maa_____________Hari Om tat Sat___________________

Photo : the photo pasted above is the verandaha of the office in matru mandir(Just behind Swamiji's Statue) , where all these discourses took place.

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