मंगळवार, ८ जून, २०१०

Day III of spiritual Interactions (Day of departure from Kamarpukur)

Note : This photogrpah is of the matru mandir of Kamarpukar, the area where all these interactions took place & where Holy Mother resided for more tahn fifty long years.

Date: 09/04/2010

Today was my day of departure from kamarpukur thus while leaving I intended to get some more pearls of wisdom from Maharaj. Hence took his darshan at daily time of 6.30 AM. Near Mataji’s new cottage as I offered pranam Maharaj said, Ya tell me what is your question for today , I asked should we stand here or walk to our regular place in verandaha . Maharaj opted to go to verandaha. But since there was a group of five Bengali females & a male sitting there. As Maharaj approached his regular seat, the group offered him pranams & in the process of asking them how are you the whole conversation began & continued in Bengali, with grace of thakurji. I could get a small portion out of it which is narrated below. During course of devotees offering pranam Maharaj asked the man where you have come from. He replied “Kolkatta” Further he asked are you initiated. He said “NO”. Than maharaj said. “If you are not initiated; than you have lost a lot in life I will elaborate this with help of a small story. “Once Bhagavan Vishnu & laxmiji were sitting in their reception, After sometime arrived Narad Muni, Uttering “Narayan, Narayan” He had some conversation with bhagavan & than left the place, No sooner did he leave the place Bhagvan called his servant & asked him to sprinkle pious Ganga Jal on the place where Narada was sitting, on this act of Bhagavan Laxmiji questioned, " Bhagavan why is it so that you are sprinkling Ganga jal on that place?” Bhagavan replied “As Narad Muni had occupied the place & thus the place has become Impure.” Laxmi was astonished & said “Bhagavan Narada is one of your devotees & keeps on chanting your name continuously, yet how come that the place has become Impure because of his touch “. Bhagavan replied, “Because he has not been initiated (he has not taken Diksha) & until one does not get initiated he does not become pure.” Such is the importance of diksha or initiation.

Further to elaborate on the role of Guru In today’s context he gave a following small example, see in house when you switch on the button of lamp the lamp is lit how does it happen there is a source of electricity when you switch on what happens is the lamp is connected to the source through the copper wire & as a result lamp is lit. In any case you cannot connect the lamp directly to source it has to have a connection of wire. So the lamp is lit. Similarly god is original source & Guru is the copper wire who completely takes our responsibility & connects us to god. Thus invariably we need to be initiated so that we connect ourselves to guru & guru connects to lord. Further he explained the importance of Guru Shishya parampara (master / disciple tradition) . that is how the purity & sanctity is transpired & transferred from guru to his shishya Thus it is important while being initiated, you should be initiated through the organization where this practice is followed from one generation to the other, as in this tradition of guru & disciple the spiritual powers are transferred from Guru to disciple along with the spiritual practices & knowledge. Alike in case of Ramkrishna Math this wisdom (knowledge & Power) was passed from Thakur to his direct disciples like Swamiji, Swami Brahmananad & other total 16 Sanyasi &16 sansari disciples. From them to mumuskhus ( Spiritual Path Seekers) from one generation to the other.

Further on the same topic he continued to talk the importance of chanting the name of the lord. He said whatever you practice same becomes habit so if you practice chanting than only it is possible that while leaving this body you will be thinking of lord. To explain this broadly he quoted the story of Jad Bharat, he said you all know the king Bharat on whose name is the name bharat is given to our country. But what did happen to him, even he was born as DEER in subsequent birth. I will tell you his story, what happened with him. In order to continue spiritual practices (sadahana) he left his kingdom & went to forest. He stayed in forest for some time,One day when he was moving through the forest where came across a deer who gave birth to its calf & immediately died. Looking at the orphaned calf bharat felt pity on the calf & carried the calf in his lap to his hut.He started to bring up the calf, in the process he got emotionally involved in the calf for that calf he used to spend whole day in getting milk; grass etc. After few days it so happened that the calf grew up to deer & that deer eventually died. With the sorrow & grief of the death of the deer , King bharat was shocked which led him to fall sick to such an extent that he became bed ridden in the same state of illness continuously he kept of thinking of deer. He used to say my deer, my deer & one fine morning with same thought he died. As he died with that thought he was born as deer. So such is importance of Initiation & thoughts. If you get initiated & practice chanting than only it is possible that while dying you will die with pious thoughts of lord.
In continuation to these short stories he quoted one more story of Alexander to indicate what is real knowledge you might all be aware that king Alexander was one of the famous & successful emperor. After conquering the whole word he was moving with his chariot when he came across a sadhu who was meditating on a rock. Completely naked that too in cold of Himalayas. Looking at the sadhu , King Alexander approached him & started conversation with him. King asked few querries & the sadhu replied to each querry very satisfactorily . Satisfied by the answers, king was very happy. Thus requested sadhu that when you are so knowledgeous why are unshivering in cold with me to my palace I will offer you all comforts. Sadhu denied the offer saying no I am very happy I do not need to go anywhere king became furious as he did not have habit to listen no from anyone & his ego was hurt once again king offered him stay at palace but unperturbed by offer once again sadhu denied, This time king said, " If you do not obey my order I will kill." with this statement sadhu started laughing at king on his laugh king became too angry & asked why are you laughing? Sadhu said because; “you have spoken the biggest lie of your life time." King did not understand hthus asked sadhu, "What lie did I say?" Sadhu said," That you will kill me, which you can never do because you can kill the body not me." Understanding the deep meaning of the sadhus words king left. After this story whatever swamiji was speaking in Bengali I was able to understand thus I took his permission & left as I had to leave to Kamarpukur.

__________ Hari Om Tat sat _____________ Jai Sri Sri Maa